Monday, May 27, 2019

This blog post is intended to fuel your soul with hope to start anew. Let me start by telling where I was in almost two years of being on a hiatus on this blog. 2018 consisted of me struggling and on the verge of giving up on my studies, but later on, fulfilling one of my biggest dreams during that time - which is to graduate and earn a bachelor's degree. Right after graduation, I was weighing things out on whether I should take the CPA Licensure Exam, or start working and forget about the license (probably for the mean time, or I don't know). After how many days of praying, consulting good friends and mulling over, I decided to choose the latter. Moving on to the time where I was already looking for a job, truth be told, I didn't know my career path, all I know is that I want to work on a well known company, so I just took chances and applied on established and global companies that I know can help me grow my career. Not so long, I got hired and started my first job. I can say that this phase in my life is definitely one for the books as I am happy to be part of an international company that can provide me with lots of opportunities, and what makes my heart full is that, I am now able to gradually give back what is due to my parents. I guess that's enough of a life update to share with you.

Trust me, I attempted to blog countless times, but ended up not publishing or deleting contents, thinking I wasn't good enough, or the words just didn't come right. Perhaps during that time, I wasn't ready mentally and emotionally. So today, since it's already almost a year now of living my pretty steady adult life, there's no better time to revive my long lost passion, hobby, calling, whatever you want to call it, which is this - blogging slash writing slash pouring my thoughts out. As you may have noticed, I have reverted to drafts my old blog posts, just because I want a clean slate. No, this is not to disregard my hardwork and my growth in my past blog posts since 2015, but this is to remind myself that we all can claim newness every single day. 

What I have learned during the times that I was missing in action is that, life isn't always a walk in the park. It's not always about sunshine and butterflies. It's not always that you are winning. Life is about struggling and failing, but bravely standing up again, moving on and facing what life throws at you. We will fail, but we will grow. We will make mistakes, but we will learn. So, shall we start chasing our forgotten dreams and passion, once again?

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